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Monday, April 20, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun......


My vacation is over!

Tomorrow I have to go to work again. Ah well... all good things must (unfortunately) come to an end, I guess.

At the beginning of the week I visited with my sister Sylvia in Merritt. She has some interesting 4 legged neighbours.

This cat was drinking from a small puddle in the wheelbarrow .... isn't he cute!

And here is Sylvia giving another 4 legged neighbour a treat.

Then, Thursday to Saturday, I was at the 62nd Diocesan CWL Convention. (CWL = Catholic Women's League)
This is the display they set up for the statue of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
It was a great event and I enjoyed myself immensely!

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, your photos are lovely. It's so nice to see Sylvia, even if it's the back of her. I'm glad you had a nice vacation; I thought about you.
    I sent you an Easter card but it was returned. I neglected to put a stamp on it. I'm getting worse in my middle age. I don't know how I forgot a stamp...what else do I forget? Ha...ha...
    How did you garden planter go? I put in 12 gorgeous pansy plants in my little back garden. It's way too cold to plant anything else yet. We still get frost at night.
    Is your snow all melted? I hope so. And how is Dad's leg doing?
