Robert Houben, the last of the brothers, is the 2nd youngest of the family.
Born on April 4th, 1959, while mom & dad lived at 3# Rd/Steveston, Richmond, BC.
He and I used to fight like cat and dog, but now he is a great brother and we get along quite well.
Here he is with one of his favourite tools.....

Mom & dad used to take whichever of us kids happened to be home for lovely drives around BC. We'd pack a picnic lunch and pick a direction and just drive - often ending up on logging roads back in the hills.
It was a lot of fun and we got to see some lovely scenery.
Driving could be a little nervewracking, though, especially for mom.... Dad would be saying "look at that" and mom would be saying "look at the road!". It would be straight down on one side of the car and straight up on the other!
In this photo are mom, Wim, Robert, and me.

Robert eventually met and married Loretta - a great sister-in-law! (I will talk more about her and their son Matthew in another posting.)
This is what Robert was looking like when he met Loretta.

And this is a recent photo of him with his son, Matthew.
Well, I'm sure glad Robert wondered into our church that one Sunday in Jan 1979! That was 30 years ago. Wow. If you would have told me that in 10 years, in 1989, we'd have a son together, I'd have fainted on the spot.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the last photo taken? Was that last August?